The antigraceful
The antigraceful - 翁贝托波丘尼
画家: 翁贝托·波丘尼 Umberto Boccioni [画家简介]
国家: 意大利画家 1882-1916
名称: The antigraceful
信息: 1912, abstract painting, 48870-Umberto Boccioni--Unknown.jpg
像素: 785 x 800 px
翁贝托波丘尼的作品: The antigraceful
Umberto Boccioni oil painting: The antigraceful
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翁贝托·波丘尼 的其他作品(下6张画)
The Drinker
The City Rises
Charge of the Lancers
Dynamism of a Woman's Head
Abstract Dimensions
Unique Forms of Continuity in Space