位置:首页画家罗吉尔·凡·德·韦登>St Luke Drawing a Portrait of the Madonna

St Luke Drawing a Portrait of the Madonna

St Luke Drawing a Portrait of the Madonna

画家: 罗吉尔·凡·德·韦登 Rogier van der Weyden [画家简介]

国家: 比利时画家 1399-1464

名称: St Luke Drawing a Portrait of the Madonna

信息: Item ID 31267-Weyden, Rogier van der-St Luke Drawing a Portrait of the Madonna


像素: 707 x 900 px

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罗吉尔凡德韦登的作品: St Luke Drawing a Portrait of the Madonna

Rogier van der Weyden oil painting: St Luke Drawing a Portrait of the Madonna

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