位置:首页画家皮特尔·德·胡格>Interior with a Mother delousing her child's hair

Interior with a Mother delousing her child's hair

Interior with a Mother delousing her child's hair

画家: 皮特尔·德·胡格 Pieter de Hooch [画家简介]

国家: 荷兰画家 1629-1684

名称: Interior with a Mother delousing her child's hair

信息: Known as A Mother's duty. Pic ID: 46759-Pieter de Hooch-Interior with a Mother delousing her child's hair.jpg

像素: 900 x 789 px

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皮特尔德胡格的作品: Interior with a Mother delousing her child's hair

Pieter de Hooch oil painting: Interior with a Mother delousing her child's hair

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