位置:首页画家卢多尔夫·巴克赫伊森>Ships on the Zuiderzee before the Fort of Naarden

Ships on the Zuiderzee before the Fort of Naarden

Ships on the Zuiderzee before the Fort of Naarden

画家: 卢多尔夫·巴克赫伊森 Ludolf Backhuysen [画家简介]

国家: 荷兰画家 1631-1708

名称: Ships on the Zuiderzee before the Fort of Naarden

信息: 1660 Oil on oak 14 3/4 x 19 inches (37.5 x 48.4 cm) Wallraf-Richartz Museum, Cologne, Westfalen, Germany

标签: 海景,

像素: 900 x 674 px

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卢多尔夫巴克赫伊森的作品: Ships on the Zuiderzee before the Fort of Naarden

Ludolf Backhuysen oil painting: Ships on the Zuiderzee before the Fort of Naarden

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卢多尔夫巴克赫伊森 - Ships on the Zuiderzee before the Fort of Naarden

Ships on the Zuiderzee before the Fort of Naarden


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