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Allegory of the Regency

Allegory of the Regency

画家: 劳伦特·德·拉·海尔 Laurent de La Hire [画家简介]

国家: 法国画家 1606-1656

名称: Allegory of the Regency

信息: 43165-La Hire, Laurent de-Allegory of the Regency.jpg

标签: 其他人物,

像素: 652 x 900 px

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劳伦特德拉海尔的作品: Allegory of the Regency

Laurent de La Hire oil painting: Allegory of the Regency

劳伦特·德·拉·海尔 的其他作品(下6张画)

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Cornelia Refusses the Crown of the Ptolomai

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Cyrus Announcing to Araspas that Panthea Has Obtained His Pardon

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Jesus Appearing to the Three Marys

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Job Restored to Prosperity

劳伦特德拉海尔 - Laban Searching Jacob's Bagagge for the Stolen Idols

Laban Searching Jacob's Bagagge for the Stolen Idols


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Hans Memling
Federico Andreotti
Pierre Edouard Frere
Joseph Karl Stieler
Rene Magritte
Jean Honore Fragonard
Francois Gerard