法国画家 1606-1656 , 画家简介: 劳伦特 德 拉 海尔
Abraham Sacrificing Isaac - 劳伦特德拉海尔
Allegorical Figure of Grammar - 劳伦特德拉海尔
Allegorical Figure of Music - 劳伦特德拉海尔
Allegory of the Regency - 劳伦特德拉海尔
Astronomy - 劳伦特德拉海尔
Cornelia Refusses the Crown of the Ptolomai - 劳伦特德拉海尔
Cyrus Announcing to Araspas that Panthea Has Obtained His Pardon - 劳伦特德拉海尔
Jesus Appearing to the Three Marys - 劳伦特德拉海尔
Job Restored to Prosperity - 劳伦特德拉海尔
Laban Searching Jacob's Bagagge for the Stolen Idols - 劳伦特德拉海尔
Landscape with Peace and Justice Embracing - 劳伦特德拉海尔
Mercury Takes Bacchus to be Brought up by Nymphs - 劳伦特德拉海尔
The Children of Bethel Mourned by their Mothers - 劳伦特德拉海尔
Theseus and Aethra - 劳伦特德拉海尔