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Canal in Picardi

Canal in Picardi

画家: 让·巴蒂斯特·卡米耶·柯罗 Jean Baptiste Camille Corot [画家简介]

国家: 法国画家 1796-1875

名称: Canal in Picardi

信息: c.1865 - 1871 Oil on canvas, Toledo Museum of Art, Toledo, Ohio, USA

标签: 树林,青色

像素: 900 x 676 px

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让巴蒂斯特卡米耶柯罗的作品: Canal in Picardi

Jean Baptiste Camille Corot oil painting: Canal in Picardi

让·巴蒂斯特·卡米耶·柯罗 的其他作品(下6张画)

让巴蒂斯特卡米耶柯罗 - Cowherd by the Water

Cowherd by the Water

让巴蒂斯特卡米耶柯罗 - Landscape by the Lake

Landscape by the Lake

让巴蒂斯特卡米耶柯罗 - Le cours d'eau a la tour carree(Watercourse leading to the square tower)

Le cours d'eau a la tour carree(Watercourse leading to the square tower)

让巴蒂斯特卡米耶柯罗 - Le Torrent Pierreaux (Crepuscule) , The Pierreaux Torrent (Twilight)

Le Torrent Pierreaux (Crepuscule) , The Pierreaux Torrent (Twilight)

让巴蒂斯特卡米耶柯罗 - Meadow with Two Large Trees

Meadow with Two Large Trees

让巴蒂斯特卡米耶柯罗 - Nantes - the Cathedral and the City Seen throuth the Trees

Nantes - the Cathedral and the City Seen throuth the Trees


Sandro Botticelli
Andreas Achenbach
Jean Baptiste Camille Corot
Guariento di Arpo
Jean Baptiste Camille Corot
Andreas Achenbach
Jean Baptiste Camille Corot
William Michael Harnett