位置:首页画家让·奥古斯特·多米尼克·安格尔>Joan of Arc on Corronation of Charles VII in the Cathedral of Reim

Joan of Arc on Corronation of Charles VII in the Cathedral of Reim

Joan of Arc on Corronation of Charles VII in the Cathedral of Reim

画家: 让·奥古斯特·多米尼克·安格尔 Jean Auguste Dominique Ingres [画家简介]

国家: 法国画家 1780-1867

名称: Joan of Arc on Corronation of Charles VII in the Cathedral of Reim

信息: 1854,oil on canvas


像素: 621 x 800 px

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让奥古斯特多米尼克安格尔的作品: Joan of Arc on Corronation of Charles VII in the Cathedral of Reim

Jean Auguste Dominique Ingres oil painting: Joan of Arc on Corronation of Charles VII in the Cathedral of Reim

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