位置:首页画家亨利·卢梭>I Myself, Landscape-Portrait (Moi-Mme, Portrait Paysage)

I Myself, Landscape-Portrait (Moi-Mme, Portrait Paysage)

I Myself, Landscape-Portrait (Moi-Mme, Portrait Paysage)

画家: 亨利·卢梭 Henri Rousseau [画家简介]

国家: 法国画家 1844-1910

名称: I Myself, Landscape-Portrait (Moi-Mme, Portrait Paysage)

信息: 1890,Oil on Canvas Narodni Gallery, Prague, Czech Republic

标签: 黑色,

像素: 611 x 800 px

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亨利卢梭的作品: I Myself, Landscape-Portrait (Moi-Mme, Portrait Paysage)

Henri Rousseau oil painting: I Myself, Landscape-Portrait (Moi-Mme, Portrait Paysage)

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亨利卢梭 - I Myself, Landscape-Portrait (Moi-Mme, Portrait Paysage)

I Myself, Landscape-Portrait (Moi-Mme, Portrait Paysage)

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Henri Rousseau