荷兰画家 1435-1494 , 画家简介: 汉斯 梅姆林
The Presentation in the Temple - 汉斯梅姆林
Adam - 汉斯梅姆林
Eve - 汉斯梅姆林
Bathsheba - 汉斯梅姆林
Triptych 1 - 汉斯梅姆林
Triptych 2 - 汉斯梅姆林
Triptych 3 - 汉斯梅姆林
Portraits of Willem Moreel - 汉斯梅姆林
Portraits of Willem Moreel's wife - 汉斯梅姆林
Christ Giving His Blessing - 汉斯梅姆林
Advent and Triumph of Christ - 汉斯梅姆林
Advent and Triumph of Christ [detail: 1] - 汉斯梅姆林
Advent and Triumph of Christ [detail: 2] - 汉斯梅姆林
Man of Sorrows - 汉斯梅姆林
Mater Dolorosa - 汉斯梅姆林
Portrait of a Man at Prayer before a Landscape - 汉斯梅姆林
Portrait of a Man with a Roman Coin - 汉斯梅姆林
Portrait of a Young Man - 汉斯梅姆林
Portrait of a Young Man before a Landscape - 汉斯梅姆林
Portrait of a Young Woman - 汉斯梅姆林
The Virgin Showing the Man of Sorrows - 汉斯梅姆林
Triptych of Adriaan Reins 1 - 汉斯梅姆林
Triptych of Adriaan Reins 2 - 汉斯梅姆林
Triptych of Adriaan Reins 3 - 汉斯梅姆林
Virgin and Child Enthroned - 汉斯梅姆林
Virgin and Child in a Rose-Garden with Two Angels - 汉斯梅姆林
Virgin and Child with Musician Angels - 汉斯梅姆林
Virgin Enthroned with Child and Angel - 汉斯梅姆林
Allegory with a Virgin - 汉斯梅姆林
The Archangel Michael - 汉斯梅姆林
Portrait of a Man - 汉斯梅姆林
Portrait of a Man with an Arrow - 汉斯梅姆林
Lamentation - 汉斯梅姆林
The Martyrdom of St Sebastian - 汉斯梅姆林
Young Man at Prayer - 汉斯梅姆林
Portrait of Gilles Joye - 汉斯梅姆林
Virgin and Child with St Anthony the Abbot and a Donor - 汉斯梅姆林
Adoration of the Magi - 汉斯梅姆林
Nativity - 汉斯梅姆林
Portrait of an Old Man - 汉斯梅姆林
Portrait of an Old Woman - 汉斯梅姆林
Scenes from the Passion of Christ - 汉斯梅姆林
Tommaso Portinari - 汉斯梅姆林
Tommaso's wife Portinari - 汉斯梅姆林
Triptych of Jan Crabbe 1 - 汉斯梅姆林