Apache Fire Signal
Apache Fire Signal - 费雷德里克雷明顿
画家: 费雷德里克·雷明顿 Frederic Remington [画家简介]
国家: 美国画家 1861-1909
名称: Apache Fire Signal
信息: picture ID 37345-Apache_Fire_Signal.jpg
像素: 589 x 900 px
费雷德里克雷明顿的作品: Apache Fire Signal
Frederic Remington oil painting: Apache Fire Signal
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费雷德里克·雷明顿 的其他作品(下6张画)
Arresting the Deserter
Attack on the Supply Train
Bull Fight in Mexico
Buying Polo Ponies in the West
Cheyenne Scouts Patrolling the Big Timber of the North Canadian Oklahoma
Comming to the Call