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Venice, the Grand Canal

Venice, the Grand Canal

画家: 尤金·布丹 Eugene Boudin [画家简介]

国家: 法国画家 1824-1898

名称: Venice, the Grand Canal

信息: 51174-Boudin, Eugene-Venice, the Grand Canal.jpg

标签: 威尼斯,

像素: 900 x 609 px

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尤金布丹的作品: Venice, the Grand Canal

Eugene Boudin oil painting: Venice, the Grand Canal

尤金·布丹 的其他作品(下6张画)

尤金布丹 - Venice, the Mole at the Entrance of the Grand Canal

Venice, the Mole at the Entrance of the Grand Canal

尤金布丹 - Venice, View from San Giorgio

Venice, View from San Giorgio

尤金布丹 - Venice, View from the Grand Canal

Venice, View from the Grand Canal

尤金布丹 - Venice


尤金布丹 - Vessel at Anchor outside of Venice

Vessel at Anchor outside of Venice

尤金布丹 - View at Saint-Quay-Portriaux

View at Saint-Quay-Portriaux


Eugene Boudin
Eugene Boudin
Domenico Beccafumi
Francis Davis Millet
Edward Charles Halle
William Whitaker
Joseph Karl Stieler
William Trost Richards