The Effect of Snow at l'Hermitage
The Effect of Snow at l'Hermitage - 卡米耶毕沙罗
画家: 卡米耶·毕沙罗 Camille Pissarro [画家简介]
国家: 法国画家 1830-1903
名称: The Effect of Snow at l'Hermitage
信息: 46092-Pissarro, Camille-The Effect of Snow at l'Hermitage.jpg
标签: 其他风景,
像素: 900 x 618 px
卡米耶毕沙罗的作品: The Effect of Snow at l'Hermitage
Camille Pissarro oil painting: The Effect of Snow at l'Hermitage
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卡米耶·毕沙罗 的其他作品(下6张画)
The Effect of Snow at Montfoucault
The Effect of Snow, Sunset, Eragny
The Egg Market
The Entrance to the Village of Voisins
The Fair by the Church of Saint-Jacques, Dieppe
Wholesale Oil Painting